Cocktail & Other Recipes By Spirit Vodka Cocktails

Cupid’s Champagne Potion

Cupid's Champagne Potion cocktail / Tim Nusog

Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or you’re having a romantic date night at home, sometimes you need a special cocktail for the occasion. Ideally, the drink is delicious and festive but not too difficult to make, as you don’t want to spoil the mood by spilling bitters on your shirt or by taking 10 minutes to shake up a perfectly frothy egg white-laced Ramos Gin Fizz.

But the Cupid’s Champagne Potion ... now that you can handle. The recipe comes from bartender and brand ambassador Claire Smith, who enlists Belvedere vodka to make this drink. The Polish, rye-made spirit is joined by peach puree and then topped with Champagne. It’s easy to make, it looks great in the glass, and it’s just the right amount of fancy.

The drink is similar to a Bellini, a simple two-part classic that combines Prosecco with peach puree. But the vodka utilized here adds structure and body to the cocktail, while also lending some additional proof.

Mix up the sparkling Cupid’s Champagne Potion, and celebrate a romantic night at home with someone you love. Or make one for a friend. Or toast to your dog as you sip one on the couch. It will taste great regardless of your drinking partner.


  • 1 ounce vodka (such as Belvedere)

  • 1 ounce peach puree

  • Champagne, to top


  1. Add the vodka and peach puree into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

  2. Strain into a chilled champagne flute.

  3. Top with the Champagne.